And most of July and most of September too?
Like the weight loss journey, things happen. So despite not adding to this for what is effectively almost three months, I am not going to loose any sleep about it. I do not do winter very well at the best of times, and this one has been wet and cold. After very dry years I am coping with the rain (and have enjoyed it most of the time) but the cold just makes me want to hibernate.
My non coping with winter has derailed the weight loss. I have not gained, but I have not progressed either. I have not even made it to meetings. This is changing as the weather improves. I have been getting to work early the past week, and walking for about 20 minutes prior to actually entering the building. This has been followed by a similar walk at lunch. I hope to add another after I finish once daylight saving gives me some precious daytime which isn't spent in the office.
I have also made it back to meetings, and am determined to track, count, exercise and drink from now on. The thing which I like about Weight Watchers is that I am in control - it is not about handing out some goop to replace meals, but about assisting me in making better choices. For that reason I see this journey not as a journey to a destination, but the tools to change the way in which I relate to food.
At last week's meeting we were encouraged to make a goal for Christmas, which is about 12 weeks away. I am feeling positive about the journey, so I am prepared to do this. I want to be 85Kg. Which will be a loss of 10Kg over about 12 months, and about 7Kg in that 12 weeks. This sounds very slow, and it is, but I have learned so much about food, and my relationship with it, that it has been a time of discovery, and enlightenment.
I find planning difficult, and find myself derailed by the need to rush meals. Therefore I have decided to make some meals this weekend, which can be frozen and reheated on those days. Off to the recipe books.......